CTR publications 2009
PR=peer reviewed
CO=with co-authors outside CTR
Cécile Michel, F. Briquel-Chatonnet, S. Fares & Brigitte Lion, Femmes, cultures et sociétés dans les civilisations méditerranéennes et proches-orientales de l’Antiquité, (Actes des journées d’études de Lyon, Paris et Nanterre, Déc. 2007-Avril 2008), Topoi Suppl. 10. (CO) (PR)
2009, Cécile Michel et B. Lion (eds.), Histoires de déchiffrements. Les écritures du Proche-Orient à l’Égée, B. Lion et C. Michel (éd.), Paris : éditions errance, coll. Les Hespérides. (CO) (PR)
CTR Anthologies
2009, Kathrine Vestergård Pedersen & Marie-Louise Nosch (eds), The Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing, and Consumption, Ancient Textiles Series 6, Oxford. (PR)
Kathrine Vestergård Pedersen & Marie-Louise Nosch, “Introduction”, in Medieval Broadcloth, ix-xi.
John Munro, “Three Centuries of Luxury Textile Consumption in the Low Countries and England, 1330–1570: Trends and Comparisons of Real Values of Woollen Broadcloths (Then and Now)”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 1-73.
Carsten Jahnke, “Some Aspects of Medieval Cloth Trade in the Baltic Sea Area”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 74-89.
Heini Kirjavainen, “A Finnish Archaeological Perspective on Medieval Broadcloth”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 90-98.
Riina Rammo, “Searching for Broadcloth in Tartu (14th–15th century)”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 99-108.
Jerzy Maik, “The Influence of Hanseatic Trade on Textile Production in Medieval Poland”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 109-121.
Camilla Luise Dahl, “Mengiað klæthe and tweskifte klædher. Marbled, Patterned and Parti-coloured Clothing in Medieval Scandinavia”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 122-138.
Kathrine Vestergård, “Archaeological Evidence of Multi-coloured Cloth and Clothing”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 139-151.
Kathrine Vestergård & Anton Reurink, “Reconstructing a 15th Century Laken”, in Medieval Broadcloth, 152-159.
Articles in Journals
2009, Robert Frei, Pete S. Dahl, Mie M. Frandsson, L.A. Jensen, Thomas R. Hansen, M.P. Terry, & Karin Margarita Frei, “Lead-isotope and trace-element geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Lead and rochford basins (Black Hills, south Dakota, USA): Implications for genetic models, mineralization ages, and sources of ore leads for the Homestake gold deposit”, Precambrian Research. V 172, 1-24. (PR) (CO)
2009, Karin Margarita Frei, Robert Frei, Ulla Mannering, Margarita Gleba, Marie-Louise Nosch & Henriette Lyngstrøm, “Provenance of Ancient textiles - a pilot study evaluating the Sr isotope system”, Archaeometry, V 51, 2, 252-276. (CO) (PR)
2009, Karin Margarita Frei, Irene Skals, Margarita Gleba & Henriette Lyngstrøm, “The Huldremose Iron Age textiles, Denmark: an attempt to define their provenance applying the strontium isotope system”, Journal of Archaeological Science, V 36, 1965-1971. (PR)
2009, Susan Möller-Wiering, “Ein Seitenblick auf die Textilien aus der Wurt Tofting“, Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 48, 16-19. (PR)
2009, Tereza Štolcová, Gabriele Zink & Karol Pieta, “Textiles from the chieftain’s grave in Poprad-Matejovce. Report on the first stage of the laboratory examination”, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 39-2, 263-277. (PR) (CO)
2009, Linda Mårtensson, Marie-Louise Nosch & Eva Andersson Strand, “Shape of Things: Understanding a Loom Weight”, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28.4, 373-398. (PR)
2009, Marcella Frangipane, Eva Andersson, Romina Laurito, Susan Möller-Wiering, Marie-Louise Nosch, Antoinette Rast-Eicher & Agnete Wisti Lassen, “Arslantepe (Turkey): Textiles, Tools and Imprints of Fabrics from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BC”, Paléorient, 35:1, 5-30. (PR) (CO)
2009, Karin Margarita Frei, “New constraints on the origin of the Gerum cloak’s raw material”, Fornvännem, Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research, 104, V.4, 313-315.
2009, Margarita Gleba & A. Nikolova, “Fabric remains from Sugokleya (Ukraine)”, Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 48, 7-9. (PR)
2009, Ulla Mannering, “Dragtjournalens Favorit #5. Huldremosekvinden og hendes dragt på Nationalmuseet”, Dragtjournalen. Tidsskrift for Dragtpuljen og Dragt.dk, Årg. 3 nr. 5, 49-51. (PR)
2009, Ulla Mannering, “Tekstilresterne på træskede fra Flintingegård C36066”, Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 2005, 192. (PR)
2009, Ulla Mannering, Margarita Gleba, Göran Possnert & Jan Heinemeier, “Om datering af mosefundne lig og beklædningsdele”, KUML Årbog for Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, 103-125. (CO) (PR)
2009, Ulla Mannering, Peter Pentz, Sabine Karg & Maria Panum Baastrup, “Kong Haralds vølve”, Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark, 215-232. (CO) (PR)
2009, Christophe Moulhérat & Giouli Spantidaki, “Cloth from Kastelli Chania”, arachne 3, 8-15. (PR) (CO)
2009, Michael Langkjær & Cecilie Nielsen, “En Uniformeret Kulturkamp”, Personae. Tidsskrift for Klær Kropp Kultur, vol. 2, no. 3-4, 62-73. (PR) (CO)
2009, Eva Andersson Strand & Ulla Mannering, “Kommentar til Hedis Johanne Sletmo: Teori og metode i renning og innslag – et blikk på arkeologisk tekstilforskning i Skandinavia”, Primitive Tider 11, 98-101.
Articles in anthologies
2009, Judit Pásztókai-Szeőke, “Cut Rising from Her Navel. A Possible Allusion to a Protracted Delivery and For-tunate Maternal and Neonatal Survival”, in: Bíró, Sz. (ed.), Ex Officina … Studia in honorem Dénes Gabler. Győr, 443-455.
2009, Margarita Gleba, “Textile tools and specialisation in the Early Iron Age female burials”, in E. Herring & K. Lomas (ed.) Gender Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC, BAR Int. Ser. 1983, Oxford, 69-78. (PR)
2009, Ulla Mannering, ”Dragten i tidlig jernalder”, in Boe, K.M., Capelle, T. & Fischer, C. (eds), Tollundmandens verden. Kontinentale kontakter i tidlig jernalder, Silkeborg Museum, 98-106. (PR)
2009, Ulla Mannering & Eva Andersson Strand, “Dress Images on Gold-foil Figures”, in Christian Adamsen, Ulla Lund Hansen, Finn Ole Nielsen & Margrethe Watt (eds), Sorte Muld. Wealth, Power and Religion at an Iron Age Central Settlement on Bornholm, Bornholms Museum og Kulturarvstyrelsen, 54-61. (PR)
2009, Cécile Michel, “Femmes et ancêtres : le cas des femmes des marchands d’Aššur”, in Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Saba Fares, Brigitte Lion & Cécile Michel (ed.), Femmes, cultures et sociétés dans les civilisations méditerranéennes et proches-orientales de l’Antiquité, Topoi, Suppl. 10, 27-39. (PR)
2009, Cécile Michel, “Les femmes et l’écrit dans les archives paléo-assyriennes (XIXe s. av. J.-C.)“, in Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Saba Fares, Brigitte Lion & Cécile Michel (ed.), Femmes, cultures et sociétés dans les civilisations méditerranéennes et proches-orientales de l’Antiquité, Topoi, Suppl. 10, 253-272. (PR)
2009, Cécile Michel, “Les filles de marchands consacrées“, in Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Saba Fares, Brigitte Lion & Cécile Michel (ed.), Femmes, cultures et sociétés dans les civilisations méditerranéennes et proches-orientales de l’Antiquité, Topoi, Suppl. 10, 145-163. (PR)
Articles in conference proceedings
2009, Marie-Louise Nosch, “Artemis in the Mediterranean Bronze Age”, in Tobias Fischer-Hansen & Birte Poulsen (eds), From Artemis to Diana. The Goddess of Animals and People, Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology, Acta Hyperborea 12, Copenhagen, 21-36. (PR)
2009, Carmen Alfaro, Anne Marie Carstens, Marie-Louise Nosch, Annette Paetz gen. Schieck, Judit Pásztókai-Szeöke, Sabine Schrenk & Michael Tellenbach, “DressID and the Cooperation Strategies of an international EU-funded research programme”, in C. Alfaro, M. Tellenbach, R. Ferrero (eds) Textiles y museológica. Aspectos sobre el estudio, análisis y exposición de los textiles antiguos y de los “Instrumenta textilia”. Clothing and Identities. New perspectives on Textiles in the Roman Empire. Vestimenta e Identidad. Nuevas perspectivas sobre textiles en el Imperio Romano. Actas del I Meeting General, Valencia-Ontinyent, 3-5 de Diciembre de 2007, 37-58. (CO)
2009, Carmen Alfaro, Anne Marie Carstens, Marie-Louise Nosch, Annette Paetz gen. Schieck, Judit Pásztókai-Szeöke, Sabine Schrenk & Michael Tellenbach, “DressID y las estrategias de cooperación de un programa internacional de investigación propiciado por la UE”, in C. Alfaro, M. Tellenbach, R. Ferrero (eds) Textiles y museológica. Aspectos sobre el estudio, análisis y exposición de los textiles antiguos y de los “Instrumenta textilia”. Clothing and Identities. New perspectives on Textiles in the Roman Empire. Vestimenta e Identidad. Nuevas perspectivas sobre textiles en el Imperio Romano. Actas del I Meeting General, Valencia-Ontinyent, 3-5 de Diciembre de 2007, 37-58. (Spanish translation of the above paper). (CO)
2009, Ida Demant, “Principles for reconstruction of costumes and archaeological textiles”, in C. Alfaro, M. Tel-lenbach & R. Ferrero (eds) Textiles y museológica. Aspectos sobre el estudio, análisis y exposición de los textiles antiguos y de los “Instrumenta textilia”. Clothing and Identities. New perspectives on Textiles in the Roman Empire. Vestimenta e Identidad. Nuevas perspectivas sobre textiles en el Imperio Romano. Actas del I Meeting General, Valencia-Ontinyent, 3-5 de Diciembre de 2007, 143-154. (PR)
MA theses in archaeology
2009, Charlotte Rimstad, Vikinger i uld og guld - om de danske vikingetidsdragter, baseret på tekstilfund i grave, University of Copenhagen.
2009, Sasha Maul, Die Spinnwirtel und Webgewichte der bronze- und eisenzeitlichen Siedlung von Kastanas, University of Copenhagen.
Other publications: reviews, introductions, dissemination of knowledge
2009, Kathrine Vestergård Pedersen, “10th NESAT Conference in Copenhagen”, Textile History 40 (2008), 112.
2009, Ulla Mannering, “Review of Annika Larsson: Klädd Krigare. Skifte i skandinaviskt dräktskick kring år 1000”, KUML 2009, 267-269.
2009, Ulla Mannering, “Huldremosekvinden”, Weekendavisen no. 6 – 6. februar 2009, Ideer 4-5.
Web-published reports
2009 Technical report on textile tools, Tel Kabri, Israel. by Eva Andersson Strand, Marie-Louise Nosch, Joanne Cutler (3 pages)
2009, Technical report on textile tools, Thebes, Greece Technical Textile Tool Report. by Eva Andersson Strand, Marie-Louise Nosch, Joanne Cutler (16 pages)
2009, Technical report on textile tools, Sitagroi, Greece Technical Textile Tool Report. by Eva Andersson Strand, Marie-Louise Nosch, Joanne Cutler (15 pages)
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter (ATN)
2009, Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 48. Copenhagen
2009, Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 49. Copenhagen