Female clothing, female make-up, female speech

The expression of femininity and femininity in Aristophanes' women's comedies

Lecture by Mark Janse, Emeritus Research Professor in Ancient & Asia Minor Greek, Ghent University.


In my talk, I discuss the distinctive features of female clothing and female speech in Classical Athens based on their representation in the three women’s comedies by Aristophanes – a male playwright writing for male actors and a probably predominantly male audience. Not surprisingly, Athenian women not only dressed differently from Athenian men, but they also spoke differently. Whereas Lysistrata provides informal data about female clothing, female make-up and female speech from the perspective of Athenian women, the other comedies offer fascinating insights into these matters from two opposing perspectives. In Ecclesiazusae, the women swipe their husbands’ clothes and practice (more or less successfully)male speech to attend the men-only Assembly undetected. In Thesmophoriazusae, Euripides’ anonymous Kinsman borrows the effeminate tragic playwright Agathon’s clothes and practices (more or less successfully) female speech to infiltrate the women-only Thesmophoria festival undetected. Agathon wears the distinctively feminine krokotos used by the women in Lysistrata to seduce their husbands, but is also associated with Dionysus, who is called an “effeminate stranger” by Pentheus in Euripides’ Bacchae. I present a material and iconographical analysis of typically female garments and a (socio)linguistic analysis of the identifiable features of female speech, with a little excursion into Aristophanes’ obscene wordplay on particular textiles.

CTR meetings and lectures Autumn 2024

Every other Wednesday at CTR, we have administrative meetings running through the semester, followed by a scientific presentation, either by a CTR member or an invited scholar. We kindly invite everyone interested to join these lectures.

Lecture, ca. 14:00-14:45

The weekly lecture will start at 14:00 and will be followed by a free discussion amongst all participants. Please see the program below. You are more than welcome to join us in person at CTR, University of Copenhagen South Campus, room 11B-1-05.

If dates are still open for lectures in the calendar, you are more than welcome to write to us with suggestions for speakers.

Zoom Link

You can join us via Zoom in case you are not able to attend the event in person. In that case, simply follow this link.

We expect everybody to turn on the camera and have your name as the “name tag”. It will be possible to join the discussion but until personally addressed, we ask all participants to be muted.

Meeting 15:00-16:00

The second hour, 15:00-16:00, is mainly reserved for CTR members, yet if anyone would like to join, they are welcome. The meeting consists of general administrative and CTR-related news and information as well as “News around the table”, where everyone gives a short update on their projects. Anyone participating in the meeting is expected to join this, also if you are not a member of CTR.