Linen textiles from the Kjøng Factory 1774-1924 – new perspectives on long lost

Lecture by Karis Rasmussen, Køng Museum.


Today much focus and emphasis is put on climate and sustainability. New laws are passed in the European Union to make it possible to trace clothing from production to consumer to find solutions to reduce pollution connected to the clothing industry. In this light, attention is turned to using natural fibres such as linen.

From this perspective, it is worth taking a look at the history, of the Kjøng Factory which was the most renowned Danish linen factory at its time. The Kjøng Factory supplied the Royal Danish House in 1789 with large quantities of linen. Today the former administration building of the factory is housing the Køng Museum. 

Køng Museum is situated in a small village in South Zealand between Næstved and Vordingborg. It is run by a strong group of dedicated volunteers, who work hard to preserve the cultural heritage for future generations. Under our care, we have a fair amount of damask-woven textiles that date back to the start of the Kjøng Factory. Other Kjøng-textiles are in the care of Museum Sydøstdanmark, and some are in the care of Designmuseum Danmark. Charlotte Paludan, former leader of the Designmuseum Denmark, has previously done research into the textiles from Køng, however, there is still much to be learned.

This research project is centred around the following questions:

  1. How have the Køng damask and twill textiles been produced?
  2. What connection can we find between pattern, binding, fibre, and tools?
  3. What are the characteristics of a Køng damask or twill?
  4. How do they reflect the period in which they were produced?

CTR meetings and lectures Spring 2024

Every other Tuesday at CTR, we have administrative meetings running through the semester, followed by a scientific presentation, either by a CTR member or an invited scholar. We kindly invite everyone interested to join these lectures.

Lecture, ca. 14:00-14:45

The weekly lecture will start at 14:00 and will be followed by a free discussion amongst all participants. Please see the program below. You are more than welcome to join us in person at CTR, University of Copenhagen South  Campus, room 11B-1-05.

If dates are still open for lectures in the calendar, you are more than welcome to write to us with suggestions for speakers.

Zoom Link

You can join us via Zoom in case you are not able to attend the event in person. In that case, simply follow this link.

We expect everybody to turn on the camera and have your name as the “name tag”. It will be possible to join the discussion but until personally addressed, we ask all participants to be muted.

Meeting 15:00-16:00

The second hour, 15:00-16:00, is mainly reserved for CTR members, yet if anyone would like to join, they are welcome. The meeting consists of general administrative and CTR-related news and information as well as “News around the table”, where everyone gives a short update on their projects. Anyone participating in the meeting is expected to join this, also if you are not a member of CTR.