Previous Marie Skłodowska Curie Projects
Archaeology of textile production in the kingdom of Meroe (TexMeroe)
By Elsa Yvanez
The TexMeroe project aims to gain a better knowledge of the Sudanese ancient kingdom of Meroe (c. 300 BCE – 550 CE), exploring its social organisation and economic system through the study of textile production. The many well-preserved textiles, tools and costume representations discovered on archaeological sites throughout Sudan and Nubia provide new evidences that shed light on this little-known side of Meroitic history.
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Assyrian Textiles
By Salvatore Gaspa
The project will investigate and systematically map the textile terminology in use in the Neo-Assyrian period (first millennium BC). The goal is to develop a new fundamental tool for use in both Assyriological and textile-oriented studies.
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By Maria Papadopoulou
The project investigates the garment chlamys both as a material object and as a cultural symbol, thus capturing multiple glimpses of everyday life in Hellenistic Egypt, while providing a reassessment of the ongoing discourse on dress, ethnicity and identity in cross-cultural contact.
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Dressing the New World
By Corinne Thépaut-Cabasset
This research project is framed by a unique document, which describes Mexico in 1700s and seeks to consider Early Modern Fashion in detail through this historical piece and other resources from literature, iconography and material culture, merging into different disciplines: Modern History, Art History and Dress History.
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EGYARN: Unravelling the thread: textile production in New Kingdom Egypt (1550-1070 BCE)
The EGYARN project proposes an innovative view of the textile production of New Kingdom Egypt, especially in the Theban area, as several sites around the capital have yielded exceptionally rich archaeological evidence. The goal is to understand how and where textiles were produced, which were the main non-domestic textile production centres, and how they were connected with other institutions and private workers. In addition, by means of careful analysis of study cases, like Gurob and Deir el-Medina, social contexts and economic aspects linked to the production of textiles will be investigated. The project will create a comprehensive and up-to-date information base, so as to understand the details of New Kingdom textile traditions and locate them in the Late Bronze Age production landscape between the Mediterranean basin and the southern reaches of Nilotic Africa.
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By Joanne Cutler
The focus of the FABRIC project is the Middle and Late Bronze Age (second millennium BC) Minoan and Mycenaean textile industries on Crete, with selected comparative case studies of sites beyond Crete.
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Fibres in Ancient European Textiles (FIBRANET)
By Christina Margariti
FIBRANET will shed light to questions on the types of fibres used in ancient Europe, provide data to enhance future identification studies, and open up new paths of possibilities when considering probable answers to fibre identification inquiries.
It will bring together conservation, science and archaeology to provide a new interdisciplinary methodology and new interdisciplinary evidence.
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Goods of the Earth: Making and Marketing in the Pre-Mongol Islamic World
In the project Goods of the Earth: Making and Marketing in the Pre-Mongol Islamic World I am scrutinizing the genre of the so-called ḥisba-manuals: Islamic legal sources which contain the available rules compiled by the muḥtasib or the market inspector. By investigating the Kitāb fī ādāb al-ḥisba al-Saqaṭī (d. around 1100), who was the market inspector of Málaga, I will demonstrate that his normative warnings contain detailed information about the quality of craft objects as well as their making and that this genre of legal text reflects the marketplace, its products and its artisan-craftsmen.
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Global Encounters
By Paula Hohti
By focusing on clothing, fashion, and foreign clothing and textiles trade in the Scandinavian state of Finland and Sweden in 1550-1650 Paula Hothi explores how European trade and cultural encounters shaped Scandinavian cultures in the Renaissance period.
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Greek Textile Tools
By Małgorzata Siennicka
This project will provide new insights into the development and importance of textile production techniques in Greece in the Early Bronze Age (EBA). During this period basic cultural features of the later Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations were determined, yet the impact of textile production in this process has never been investigated.
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Identities and Transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean
By Caroline Sauvage
A study of the evolution and continuity of textile tools in the Eastern Mediterranean in the late bronze age and early iron age 13th - 10th Century B.C.E.
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Knitting in Early Modern Europe (KEME)
By Jane Malcolm-Davies
The development of knitting was a key technological innovation for which there is little published scientific evidence. This study will give voice to an eloquent body of evidence about early modern knitting technology.
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Monks, Nuns, and Textiles (MONTEX)
By Maria Joanna Mossakowska
The MONTEX project examines Egyptian society in the Late Roman, Byzantine and Early Arab periods through its economy and material culture. The project focuses on the production, circulation, and distribution of textiles. This research will be conducted using the monastic environment as an example.
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Neolithic Textiles and Clothing Industries in the Aegean (NETIA)
By Kalliope Sarri
The NETIA research project explores the textile arts and crafts of the early agricultural communities in the Aegean (6500-3300 BCE). The scope of this interdisciplinary project is to examine the origins and the first stages of textile crafts and other related technologies for coverage, protection and decoration of the human body.
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Periphron Penelopeia
By Ellen Harlizius-Klück
The aim of the project is to investigate the relevance of textile structure and technology for styles of thought and ordering concepts of Greek antiquity. It integrates textile research into the understanding of culture in ancient Greece and focuses on the distribution of textile technology related patterns into science and philosophy.
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Textile Reflections: Multi-sensory Representation of Textile Work in Latin Poetry and Prose
By Magdalena Öhrman
This interdisciplinary research project explores and re-interprets the representations of textile work and textile artefacts in Latin literature.
Detailed literary analysis taking into account matters of metrics, rhetoric (sound figures) and structure (content patterns) shows that Latin authors display greater technical understanding of textile work than previously assumed, and suggest that their tacit knowledge of textiles/textile production has influenced the artistic development of descriptions of textile crafts.
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Textiles in Etruscan Dance 8th-5th cent. BCE (TEXDANCE)
By Audrey Gouy
The TEXDANCE project proposes an original study of Etruscan ritual and religious practices, conducted through research on the textiles in dance. In Etruscan ritual practices, dance had a key role and constituted an important form of non-verbal religious and social communication. It is what the TEXDANCE research project will explore in depth by focusing on dance’s props and textiles.
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Textile Studies Between Knowledge and Knowhow
By Flavia Carraro
The project consists in an ethnographic investigation among textile experts and explores the modern reconstruction of archaeological textiles and of ancient technological textile practices. It aims to highlight the concepts of “knowledge” and “knowhow” as specific as well as complementary knowing and knowledge production processes while describing and questioning the relationship between the disciplines and the heterogeneous methods that contribute to defining the scope and substance of Textile Studies in the hybrid field of archaeological textiles.
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Textile Terminology of Hittite Anatolia (TEXTHA)
By Matteo Vigo
TEXTHA provides an accurate and updated analysis of the Hittite textile terminology. This is achieved through a precise examination of the preserved epigraphic sources, most of which have been collected in general works, or spread throughout scholarly journals and minor publications, but have yet to be analysed in the way now being proposed.
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Textiles in Southern Etruria (TexSEt)
By Romina Laurito
TexSEt will investigate the emergence and development of textile technologies and the use of textile fibres in Central-Western Italy from Late Prehistory (Final Bronze Age – 10th century BC) until the Roman Republican period (1st century BC), with a particular focus on the Etruscan period (8th-4th century BC).
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The Emperor's New Clothes
By Berit Hildebrandt
Berit Hildebrandt will explore changes in the costume of the Roman emperor, his family and his court. Her hypothesis is that we can track the development of an imperial wardrobe, which follows the gradual acceptance and consolidation of autocracy, from the plain woolen toga of the ideal princeps to the luxurious purple silks of the monarch.
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TUNICS: The expression of cultural cross-fertilization in Egyptian clothing of the 7th-10th century AD
By Anne Kwaspen
The TUNICS project explores the impact of cultural cross-fertilization between the diverse populations in Egypt in the Early Medieval period, through a comparative study of the garments people were wearing.
In general, archaeological clothing and textile finds from the 1st millennium AD are exceptional because of the transient nature of the organic material. Nevertheless, the specific conditions of the desert environment in Egypt, beneficial for the preservation of textiles, have led to an impressive quantity of valuable archaeological textile material. These finds, from cemeteries and settlements, have resulted in a unique source for the study of textiles and clothing from Late Antiquity.
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West and East
By Hedvig Landenius Enegren
Hedvig Landinius Enegren explores textile tool technology in the Iron Age in regions with a similarly culturally mixed heritage. Her interest lies in the socio-cultural dynamics between indigenous people and the ‘colonising’ contingents of new settler populations.
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Zoroastrian Text(ile)s
By Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo
The project offers an innovative interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of the modalities and changes in the use of textiles in the Zoroastrian communities of the Iranian milieu (from ca. the 2nd millennium BCE to the 17th century CE).
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