Ulrikka Mokdad

Ulrikka Mokdad

head of section, secretary

  1. Margrethe Hald and the Nordic history of Textile Research

    Andersson Strand, Eva (Participant), Grymer-Hansen, Morten Valner S (Organizer) & Mokdad, Ulrikka (Organizer)

    22 Apr 2022

    Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  2. Current Research in Textile Archaeology along the Nile

    Drewsen, Anne (Organizer), Yvanez, Elsa (Organizer) & Mokdad, Ulrikka (Organizer)

    21 Jan 2019

    Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

ID: 210597256