Conferences 2013

22 - 24 Mai "Das Bild vom Kind im Spiegel seiner Kleidung – von prähistorischer Zeit bis zur Gegenwart“.
Die internationale Tagung am Deutschen Textilmuseum Krefeld widmet sich dem Thema Kinderkleidung in ihren vielfältigen Formen der Überlieferung. Dabei stellt die Vorgehensweise, Kinderkleidung als Quellenmaterial für soziologische Untersuchungen zu wählen, einen neuartigen Forschungsansatz dar, der eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit von Pädagogen, Kostümhistorikern, Kunsthistorikern und Archäologen erfordert.
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26 - 28 May: "Sea-silk and Shell purple dye Workshop"
The Centre for Textile Research in cooperation with the Dept. of Cultural Heritage at the Università del Salento in Lecce, Italy, is preparing an international workshop on sea-silk and shell purple dye to take place in Lecce. 

6 - 7 June: Spinning Fates and the Song of the Loom: the use of textiles, clothing and cloth production as metaphor, symbol and narrative device in Greek and Latin literature II at The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, Copenhagen

12 June: CHORD Workshop and Call for Papers - Embellished Textiles: Interpretation and Care of Fine Needlework in Museums and Historic Houses. University of Wolverhampton, UK.
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1 - 12 July: "Ancient Technologies and Crafts". Summer School, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece.

22 August: Arkæologisk tekstilforskning – nye muligheder og nye perspektiver. Seminar in Danish on archaeological textile research at the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.
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5 - 7 septembre: Sociopoétique du textile - Tissus et vêtements chez les écrivains français au XIXe siècle Colloque international. À Moulins (Allier) au Centre National du costume de scène (CNCS). Organisé par le CELIS (Centre de recherche sur les littératures et la sociopoétique) de l'Université Blaise Pascal - Équipe "Écritures et Interactions Sociales".

8 November: Verbal and Non-verbal Representations in Terminology - Workshop at CTR 8/11-2013. The workshop is arranged together with the TOTh network in france.
There is no fee for the workshop.
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Read more about TOTh

List of participants
Article: Verbal and Non-Verbal configurations of textiles: a diachronic study, Susanne Lervad, Marie-Louise Nosch, Pascaline Dury, fianl December 2011-1

21-22 November: Global Textiles and Luxury - Workshop. Centre for Textile Research, Copenhagen.
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21–22 November: “Textiles and Cult in the Mediterranean Area in the first millennium BC”.
List of participants

29 Nov. - 1. Dec: "Framings" - Interdisciplinary Conference on Frames together with the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at Copenhagen University (IKK).